Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another head!?!

Tried this guy in painter since the Gnomon DVD author Bob Kato works in REAL PAINT!


Chris said...

R.I.P. dude. You were the most talented artist I have ever known and damn good friend as well. Peace.

stetsonhayes said...

I love you Zach. I didn't tell you enough or say it enough but i loved you more than you knew.

Dave said...

Zach, I'm going to miss you, friend. Everyone loved you so much and I'm no exception.

-dave t.

Penny said...

Words can't describe the pain and sorrow we all feel about losing you. Rest in peace my dear friend. You will always be in our hearts.

Anonymous said...

Zach, I will always count you among my best friends. I love you, and have been blessed for having known you. I will never forget Sandy Beach.

Ed Gregor said...

We love you.
A piece of you lives in all of us.
You showed us a way of living with positivity, creativity, humor and love. I cherish the time we had together.
Love forever
- Ed, Lois, Boon & Jett.

Jeff said...

Good-bye for now, old friend. The memories of the time we were given to be friends will live on.

Haley said...

This is the first time I have written.
Zach, I am so grateful that I knew you since the very beginning of my life. I couldn't have asked for a better brother. You have inspired me in most everything I do. I love you so much, think of you everyday and can't wait to see you again!
Love, Haley (your little sis.)

Dave said...

Zach, I've been thinking about you lately, and if I'm not mistaken, today is your birthday.

Happy birthday dude, i miss you.
